*《-/Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda》 [#top]
 LV5/FIRE/Beast-Warrior/ATK2100/DEF 400
 If you activate a "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap Card (except during the Damage Step):
 You can Special Summon this card from your hand,
 then you can Special Summon 1 "Fire Fist" monster from your GY, except "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda",
 also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except "Fire Fist" monsters.
 If a "Fire Fist" monster(s) you control would be destroyed by your opponent's card effect,
 you can send 1 face-up "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap you control to the GY instead.
 You can only use each effect of "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda" once per turn. 

// 日本語訳
// 効果モンスター
// 星5/炎属性/獣戦士族/攻21000/守 400

 [[TCG]]の[[Fists of the Gadgets]]で登場する[[炎属性]]・[[獣戦士族]]の[[モンスター]]。~




**関連カード [#card]


//―《Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda》の姿が見られる[[カード]]

//**このカードを使用する代表的なデッキ [#deck]

**収録パック等 [#pack]
//-[[Fists of the Gadgets]] FIGA-EN013 &size(10){[[Secret]]};
-[[Fists of the Gadgets]] XXXX-ENXXX &size(10){[[Secret]]};

//**FAQ [#faq]
//***(1)の効果について [#faq1]
