*《-/F.A. Overheat》 [#top]
 Normal Trap
 If only your opponent controls a monster:
 Special Summon 1 “F.A” monster from your hand, and if you do,
 increase it’s Level by 3 until the end of this turn.
 If this card is in the GY and you control no cards in your Field Zone:
 you can banish this card from the GY:
 activate 1 “F.A.” Field Spell directly from your hand of GY.
 You can only use this effect of “F.A. Overheat” once per turn.

 [[TCG]]の[[Flames of Destruction]]で登場する[[通常罠]]。~



**関連カード [#card]


-[[《F.A. Dark Dragster》]]
-[[《F.A. Dawn Dragster》]]

//**このカードを使用する代表的なデッキ [#deck]

**収録パック等 [#pack]
-[[Flames of Destruction]] FLOD-EN091

//**FAQ [#faq]
//***(1)の効果について [#faq1]
