*《-/Mayakashi Mayhem》 [#top]
 Continuous Trap
 If a Zombie Synchro Monster(s) is Special Summoned, except the Extra Deck, even during the Damage Step:
 You can apply 1 of the following effects.
 You cannot apply that same effect of "Mayakashi Mayhem" for the rest of this turn.
 ●Draw 1 card.
 ●Set 1 "Mayakashi" Spell/Trap directly from your Deck, except "Mayakashi Mayhem".
 ●Send the 1 monster with the lowest ATK your opponent contorols to the GY (your choice, if tied).
 ●Inflict 800 damage to your opponent.
 You can only activate the effect of "Mayakashi Mayhem" once per Chain.
// ソース:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KIXH-68Fhc

// 日本語訳
// 永続罠

 [[TCG]]の[[Duel Overload]]で登場する[[永続罠]]。~



**関連カード [#card]



//**このカードを使用する代表的なデッキ [#deck]

**収録パック等 [#pack]
-[[Duel Overload]] DUOV-EN056 &size(10){[[Ultra]]};

//**FAQ [#faq]
//***(1)の効果について [#faq1]
