*《-/The True Sun God》 [#top]
 Continuous Spell
 When this card is activated: Add 1 "The Winged Dragon of Ra" or
 1 card that mentions it from your Deck to your hand, except "The True Sun God".
 Monsters, except "The Winged Dragon of Ra", cannot attack the turn they are Special Summoned.
 Once per turn, during your Main Phase:
 You can send this card from the field, or 1 "The Winged Dragon of Ra - Immortal Phoenix" from your Deck,
 to the GY, then send 1 "The Winged Dragon of Ra" from your Monster Zone to the GY.
 You can only activate 1 "The True Sun God" per turn.
// 公式スポンサー動画より
// https://youtu.be/g5GBw0W_ouA?t=343
// https://i.imgur.com/MvvD3Bu.png


 [[TCG]]の[[2022 Tin of the Pharaoh’s Gods Mega Pack]]で登場する[[永続魔法]]。~



**関連カード [#card]



//**このカードを使用する代表的なデッキ [#deck]

**収録パック等 [#pack]
-[[2022 Tin of the Pharaoh’s Gods Mega Pack]] MP22-EN275 &size(10){[[Ultra]]};

//**FAQ [#faq]
//***(1)の効果について [#faq1]
