*《-/U.A. Signing Deal》 [#top]
 Normal Spell
 You can Special Summon this card (from your hand)
 by returning 1 "U.A." monster you control to the hand, except "U.A. Rival Rebounder".
 You can only Special Summon "U.A. Dreadnought Dunker" once per turn this way.
 If this card is Special Summoned during the opponent's turn or Normal Summoned:
 You can Special Summon 1 "U.A." Monster from your hand or Graveyard, except "U.A. Rival Rebounder".
 You can only use this effect of "U.A. Rival Rebounder" once per turn.
 Special Summon 1 "U.A." monster from your Deck, but its effects are negated,
 also it cannot be used as Synchro or Xyz Material for a Summon.
 Then you lose LP equal to the Level of the monster you Special Summoned by this effect x 300.
 You can only activate 1 "U.A. Signing Deal" per turn.

 「U.A. Signing Deal」は1ターンに1枚しか発動できない。

 [[TCG]]の[[Crossed Souls]]で登場する[[通常魔法]]。~




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&tag(《U.A. Signing Deal》,魔法,通常魔法,U.A.);