《-/Valkyrie Erste》

If this card is Special Summoned from your hand by a Spell effect:
You can target 1 “Mischief of the Time Goddess” in your GY;
add it to your hand.
If you control a “Valkyrie” monster other than “Valkyrie Erste” (Quick Effect):
You can banish 1 monster from your opponent’s GY,
then this card’s ATK becomes equal to the banished monster’s original ATK until the end of this turn.
You can only use each effect of “Valkyrie Erste” once per turn.

 TCGShadows in Valhallaで登場する光属性天使族上級モンスター
 魔法カード効果によって特殊召喚に成功した場合に《Mischief of the Time Goddess》?サルベージする効果相手墓地モンスター除外しその元々の攻撃力になる効果を持つ。

