*-/Ashened [#top]
 [[TCG]]の[[Phantom Nightmare]]で[[カテゴリ]]化された「Ashened」と名のついた[[カード]]群。~

 If "Obsidim, the Ashened City" is in the Field Zone, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand).
 You can only Special Summon "(card name)" once per turn this way.
 (1):フィールドゾーンに「Obsidim, the Ashened City」が存在する場合、このカードは手札から特殊召喚できる。

 In Phantom Nightmare, you'll come face to face with Veidos the Eruption Dragon of Extinction,
 a monster whose power can destroy the cycle of life and death itself.
 The defenders of Obsidim could not save their home from the might of Veidos,
 and were reduced to ash along with their city.
 The destructive power of Veidos was so great 
 that their very souls were burned into the remains of the city itself.
 And now they relive their struggle against Veidos for all eternity,
 keeping up the fight for so long that their names have been lost to the sands of time.
 Phantom Nightmareでは輪廻転生すらも破壊する力を持つモンスター、
 「Veidos, the Eruption Dragon of Extinction」と対峙することになる。

また、その中に[[《Awakening of Veidos》]]の[[サーチ]]に対応する[[レベル]]5以上のものは1体もいなかった。~


-[[《Veidos the Eruption Dragon of Extinction》]]が「[[Eruption(噴火)>《ダイナミスト・エラプション》]]」を含んでおり、「灰と化した都市」という点からモチーフはイタリアの古代都市「ポンペイ」か。~




**関連リンク [#link]
---※[[《Priestess of the Ashened City》]]
---※[[《Shaman of the Ashened City》]]
---[[《Spearhead of the Ashened City》]]
---[[《Hero of the Ashened City》]]
---※[[《King of the Ashened City》]]

---[[《Embers of the Ashened》]]

--[[《Extinguishing the Ashened》]]
--※[[《Rekindling the Ashened》]]
--※[[《Obsidim, the Ashened City》]]

--※[[《Ashened for Eternity》]]
--[[《Ashened to Endlessness》]]

-[[《Veidos the Eruption Dragon of Extinction》]]

-[[《Veidos the Dragon of Endless Darkness》]]

-[[《Awakening of Veidos》]]


//**FAQ [#faq]
